Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Life is like a cloud.
It's heavy, more cumbersome. It's also rainy but sunlight always shines through the murky, gloomy globs of mist and air. Actually, life is more like the weather- the right weather, that is. Life is like the weather in Utah, always right on the seasons and quick to shift out of order unexpectedly. Because how could it be like the weather somewhere always alluring and too honey-colored and charismatic, like in the South or in Hawaii?

As humans, we like to keep things on edge. The windy, boisterous days sum up hard faces and silent treatments, while the rainy days suffocate too much bliss and elation. In a weird way, those days level out in the early midst of Springtime and sometimes Autumn. In the real weather of Autumn/Fall, there are the crispy chills of burnt char and there is not much of the dewey scent lurking in the air anymore. Lemons are abundant in this season; There's only sour faces and too many sweet, superficial know-it-alls.

I'm not comparing how my mood is in these seasons, I'm just comparing the seasons to life. In the Summer, the cold lemonade stand resemble rebellion, and adventure is fresh in our minds. How about stepping out on the deck in a funky new halter top, or try rocking that pink mascara? But then there's the snow. The snow, there's only so much that I can brag about here in Utah. It's not slushy- rather a warm heat-blanket that covers the world around me. The books about Christmas aren't lying, the snow really is a huge blanket. Our lives revolve around the winter time. Not exactly the season, but life resembles it in a beautiful and wispy way. You're never too mental and never too alluring.

The point is that our lives must be sticky-sweet and too ripe but sour. If our lives revolved around the weather in, say Hawaii, there would be too many artificial sweeteners. I'm not bashing warm weather, but balance is good. In life balance is the key.

Balance is the key to a lifestyle. In food, in exercise and daily life, balance is everything. A little too much weight on one side, and the key to balance can be destroyed- forgotten and lost is what they say. It's so easy to leave out the essentials and to forget about balance. There is no such thing as normality, but there is such a thing to being sweet and sour. When life gives you lemons, make strawberry smoothies. Don't make lemonade. Just make lemon-water, it's more hydrating anyway.

*1 C of frozen strawberries
*3/4 C of coconut milk
*1 tsp. of raw cacao powder and vanilla extract each
*1 super ooey-gooey persimmon
*1 package of frozen, pureed acai
*OPTIONAL, but what gives the best color and flavor: 1/2 of a frozen pitaya (you can use 1/2 of a PitayaPlus pack
*1/2 C of filtered water

Blend it all up in your Blendtec blender and practically inhale enjoy and have a wonderful, healthy Thanksgiving!

Xxx, Alli <3

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